Lily M
Charleston Parent

How would you describe your experience in hiring Charleston babysitters?

Please provide an assessment of your experience as a Charleston parent regarding the employment of childcare providers in Charleston. This should include a discussion of dependability, effective communication, credibility, as well as any remarkable occurrences or difficulties encountered.

7 Responses by Charleston Moms & Dads

Terri F
Charleston Parent

Brooke-Lynn is great! Experienced and comfortable with younger children.

Rheana T
Charleston Parent

Dalee was super helpful with my child. She drove one hour to help us!

Kelli G
Charleston Parent

Nya was great! She communicated with me before the job. She engaged with my daughter. I’d recommend her to others!

Ashley M
Charleston Parent

Holly was prompt and so experienced. She communicated with me and was very professional!

Deleted P
Charleston Parent

Allison was great - so engaging with the kids, timely, and sweet!

Lauren M
Charleston Parent

Kiera was friendly and professional. She was on time and we immediately felt comfortable with her. Our 1.5 year old son loved her right away. She was able to change him into pJs and put him to bed with no problem. Would highly recommend her!

Kate I
Charleston Parent

She's reliable and personable. I'd definitely recommend her to other families.

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Wyndy has changed my life in such a positive way. I know that I can have time for myself and know that my kids are in great hands. - Destine