Wyndy in the News

For media inquiries, please contact: press@wyndy.com

Wyndy now delivers more than just babysitting.

Wyndy now delivers more than just babysitting.

It continues to take a village to raise a child, and Wyndy is furthering it’s commitment to help grow those villages for parents around the country.

Aug 09, 2024


Wyndy babysitting app partners with UAB’s frontline healthcare workers for child care.

A Birmingham-based childcare app is stepping up to help those on the front lines during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mar 27, 2020

Style Blueprint

Need a Babysitter Now? Meet Wyndy.

If you have more events to attend than you do babysitters to watch the kids, this is the app you need!

Mar 27, 2020

The Tennessean

Need a babysitter in Nashville? Two parents created an app for that

Vanderbilt University alumni Tommy and Ginger Mayfield had two young children when they decided to confront the challenge of finding...

Mar 27, 2020

Talk of Alabama

She found 21 babysitters in 60 seconds

The Wyndy team demonstrates this life-changing app to TV viewers. Wyndy is a mobile app that helps parents find, book, and pay trusted college...

Oct 16, 2017

News Channel 5 Nashville

Babysitting App, Wyndy, Launches In Nashville.

A couple of Vanderbilt grads have made finding a babysitter easier. It's called Wyndy - a new app now available in Nashville.

Oct 16, 2017