Sofia B
Bowling Green Parent

How would you describe your experience when it comes to hiring Western Kentucky University babysitters?

Describe your personal experience when employing childcare providers in proximity to WKU from the perspective of a parent. Discuss aspects such as dependability, interaction, credibility, and any significant incidents or difficulties encountered.

7 Responses by Bowling Green Moms & Dads

Brittany H
Bowling Green Parent

She is so sweet and kind. Our boys can be a bit excited with a new person and that didn't throw her at all!

Alex B
Bowling Green Parent

Noemi was very hands on and even helped clean my kitchen. 🙌🏻 highly recommend.

Elizabeth S
Bowling Green Parent

Noemi was fantastic! Would have her anytime. Very responsible and fun.

Lindy S
Bowling Green Parent

Incredibly kind , thoughtful and organized! kids loved her!

Courtney L
Bowling Green Parent

Noemi was very personable and outgoing!

Kristen W
Bowling Green Parent

Flexible, energetic, cheerful and the kids gave her a good review!

Amanda R
Bowling Green Parent

Stayed over and was very flexible! Great with the kids!

Kate C
Bowling Green Parent

Great communicator and really engaged with the kids!

Arielle S
Bowling Green Parent

Jenny was great! We would love to have her back

Vicki F
Bowling Green Parent

She was kind and our kids had a great time!

Ema B
Bowling Green Parent

Ellen was sweet, kept the kids entertained (screen free), and made a meal. She was punctual. The kids were happy when I returned and had a fun them with Ellen.

Leigh Anne M
Bowling Green Parent

Ellen did a fabulous job. Would definitely have her here again.

Jackie P
Bowling Green Parent

Ellen was so kind and polite

Caitlin A
Bowling Green Parent

Ellen did a great job!!

Brittany S
Bowling Green Parent


Beth T
Bowling Green Parent

Ally is seriously the best babysitter!!! My kids loved her and she took them shopping!

Hermance F
Bowling Green Parent

My daughter enjoys her company.

Sara E
Bowling Green Parent

she did great!

Jeanna A
Bowling Green Parent

Communication not great

Jamey G
Bowling Green Parent

Leah was such a doll! So personable and loving towards my 4 year old, he immediately asked if she could come back again!

Megan H
Bowling Green Parent

Campbell was so sweet and went above and beyond!

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Wyndy has changed my life in such a positive way. I know that I can have time for myself and know that my kids are in great hands. - Destine