Scarlett R
Williamsburg Parent

Have you had any experience with hiring University of the Cumberlands babysitters?

Describe your personal perspective as a Cumberlands parent regarding the hiring process of babysitters in close proximity to Cumberlands. Provide further information on factors such as dependability, effective communication, credibility, and any noteworthy situations or difficulties encountered.

1 Response by Williamsburg Moms & Dads

Leah M
Williamsburg Parent

We love Eunice! She has watched our daughter several times and every time has been wonderful. Very responsible, playful, watchful and thoughtful. We can’t recommend her enough.

Ashley H
Williamsburg Parent

Eunice was prompt and engaging the moment she walked in the door! Our boys loved her!

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The Wyndy team is here to help with any questions related to Cumberlands babysitters & nannies

Wyndy has changed my life in such a positive way. I know that I can have time for myself and know that my kids are in great hands. - Destine