Lillian L
Florence Parent

Have you had any experience hiring University of North Alabama babysitters?

Please describe your perspective as a parent at UNA regarding your experience in hiring babysitters in the vicinity of UNA. This could encompass information concerning dependability, effective communication, credibility, as well as any particular remarkable occurrences or obstacles faced.

3 Responses by Florence Moms & Dads

Christina H
Florence Parent

Kelsey was so sweet and understanding. My parents actually picked my son up and could hear him laughing when they got to the front door. She was so easy to work with and I hope she will babysit for us again!!! I highly recommend! AMAZING!

Rosalie B
Florence Parent

She did a wonderful job! Highly recommend her!

Meredith V
Florence Parent

Kelsey was great!!

Kristin T
Florence Parent


Emily W
Florence Parent

Excellent sitter- on time, hands on, the best!

Lauren G
Florence Parent

Maggie is awesome! My kids love her 😍

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The Wyndy team is here to help with any questions related to UNA babysitters & nannies

Wyndy has changed my life in such a positive way. I know that I can have time for myself and know that my kids are in great hands. - Destine