Avery D
Huntsville Parent

Have you had any experience hiring Oakwood University of Seventh-day Adventists babysitters?

Describe your experience as a parent in Oakwood when hiring babysitters in terms of their dependability, ability to communicate effectively, trustworthiness, and any memorable incidents or difficulties encountered.

2 Responses by Huntsville Moms & Dads

Hannah T
Huntsville Parent

Very sweet! She was on time and attentive!

Colleen S
Huntsville Parent

Danielle cancelled 4 jobs on me before arriving for this job. She arrived late. My husband works from home and said he was interrupted frequently by kids. Danielle seemed nice, but very passive. I came home to all the kids in front of the TV and her on her phone. A few minutes later she asked if she could go ahead and leave(35minutes before her scheduled end time).

Jordan H
Huntsville Parent

Jai was a great help! Very communicative, prompt, and caring. Would absolutely use again.

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Wyndy has changed my life in such a positive way. I know that I can have time for myself and know that my kids are in great hands. - Destine