Zoe F
Little Rock Parent

How would you describe your experience when it comes to hiring Little Rock babysitters?

Describe your personal experience regarding the employment of babysitters in Little Rock from the perspective of a parent. Provide a comprehensive explanation that covers aspects such as dependability, interaction, credibility, and any significant occurrences or obstacles faced during this process.

1 Response by Little Rock Moms & Dads

Courtney G
Little Rock Parent

Anika was a wonderful sitter. She was on time and very respectful. She was easy to talk to and my kids, age 4 and 7, felt comfortable with her. My daughter had a hard time at bedtime since she missed us, but Anika was able to soothe her worries and get her to sleep. We highly recommend Anika!

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Harding University University of Arkansas
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Searcy Fayetteville

Wyndy has changed my life in such a positive way. I know that I can have time for myself and know that my kids are in great hands. - Destine