Claire S
Winston Salem Parent

Have you had any experiences hiring Wake Forest University babysitters?

Discuss your personal observations regarding the hiring process and engagement of babysitters close to WFU from a parental standpoint. Include information about dependability, effective communication, credibility, and any particular instances or difficulties worth mentioning.

4 Responses by Winston Salem Moms & Dads

Nikki V
Winston Salem Parent

Kids loved her!! They had an amazing time playing games and had a blast!!

Kristen B
Winston Salem Parent

Caroline was so sweet and helpful as our first time Wyndy!

Melissa H
Winston Salem Parent

Very sweet and reliable

Laura M
Winston Salem Parent

She was very comfortable with both Matthew and Rachel! She was awesome!

Ginger M
Winston Salem Parent

Above and beyond!

Julie O
Winston Salem Parent

Excellent sitter!!!!

Christina C
Winston Salem Parent

She was amazing!!

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The Wyndy team is here to help with any questions related to WFU babysitters & nannies

Wyndy has changed my life in such a positive way. I know that I can have time for myself and know that my kids are in great hands. - Destine