Samantha J
Jackson Parent

How have your experiences been with hiring University of Mississippi Medical Center babysitters?

Write a comprehensive description of your general experience in hiring individuals to care for your children near UMC, as seen from a UMC parent's perspective. Your response should encompass information about dependability, correspondence, credibility, and any notable situations or difficulties encountered.

15 Responses by Jackson Moms & Dads

Amy G
Jackson Parent

Emma Leighton was super friendly & was great with our kids! She took great care of them, & they said they’d love to have her back again!

Amy G
Jackson Parent

Emma Leighton was super friendly. My kids loved playing with her. She was very responsible& we would love to have her back!

Britt B
Jackson Parent

Emma was wonderful and went above and beyond to take the best care of our two babies!

Caroline W
Jackson Parent

Sweetest Emma Leighton! She’s the best!!

Patrick C
Jackson Parent

Jane Perrin was so great with our three children. Fed , bathed , bed . Can’t begin to thank her enough . 10/10 would recommend!

Cerissa R
Jackson Parent

Jane was super nice! She was on time and made our first night out with a Wyndy very comfortable!

Casey R
Jackson Parent

Jane is fantastic! Highly recommend.

Amy G
Jackson Parent

Avery was so kind, fun, & patient! My girls had a full day with her, & they were very happy with her, even at the end of the day. She stayed longer than expected and was very sweet! We would definitely use her again any time!

Caroline W
Jackson Parent

Avery was so sweet to watch our boys for the afternoon! We appreciate it so much! We’d love to have her again!

Eden T
Jackson Parent

Avery is amazing!

Deann T
Jackson Parent

Got right to work competently and was very helpful around the house!

Jeff G
Jackson Parent

Both of my kids said they really enjoyed playing with her.

Christi H
Jackson Parent

Sidney was one of the best Wyndys we have had!

Laura W
Jackson Parent

She was very attentive to my instructions. Very friendly with the kids

Elisha B
Jackson Parent

Great with kids; dependable

Corey A
Jackson Parent

We loved Julia so much! Highly recommend!

Claire R
Jackson Parent

Fantastic!! Great with our daughter

Grace G
Jackson Parent

She had our kids asleep when we got home (which doesn’t always happen!) She was really sweet & communicative about the job. She also did the dishes.

Megan Y
Jackson Parent

She is wonderful!

Elisha B
Jackson Parent

Dependable, responsible

Summer H
Jackson Parent

Great sitter!

Katherine P
Jackson Parent

She was great!

Lindzey A
Jackson Parent

Great with kids. My girls loved her and they slept great!

Caroline W
Jackson Parent

Olivia was so kind and attentive to our baby-we loved her!

Lacey C
Jackson Parent

Emery was grea my! My daughter had never met her and she didn’t even cry when Emery got her out of bed! Super sweet, upbeat, very helpful! She also confirmed my job within 24 hours of the actual job date, & she was very flexible and even arrived a little early! Emery is wonderful!

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Wyndy has changed my life in such a positive way. I know that I can have time for myself and know that my kids are in great hands. - Destine