Megan B
Slippery Rock Parent

Have you had any experience hiring Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania babysitters?

Prepare a detailed written piece discussing the personal experience of a parent residing in Slippery Rock when engaging with babysitters in the area. Consider factors such as dependability, effective communication, credibility, and noteworthy situations or difficulties faced.

3 Responses by Slippery Rock Moms & Dads

Shannon H
Slippery Rock Parent

Jessica was great! She arrived on time and immediately started playing with my kids. She was confident, and I felt like she had control of the situation (I have three boys 4 and under, so that's not easy to do!). She kept them entertained and on their schedule, which was very helpful to me.

Ellen M
Slippery Rock Parent

She was great! House was tidy and kids were asleep!

Erin D
Slippery Rock Parent

Jessica was perfect. The kids loved her!

Hunter W
Slippery Rock Parent

Thank you so much!

Ashton C
Slippery Rock Parent

Patty was awesome with our toddler! We hope to have her come again!

Mac and Ann D
Slippery Rock Parent


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Wyndy has changed my life in such a positive way. I know that I can have time for myself and know that my kids are in great hands. - Destine