Zoey W
Lakeland Parent

Have you had any experiences hiring Southeastern University babysitters?

As an individual who has engaged the services of babysitters in the Southeastern area, please provide an extensive reflection on your experience of hiring these caregivers. Discuss aspects such as dependability, effective communication, integrity, and any remarkable incidents or obstacles faced during the process.

1 Response by Lakeland Moms & Dads

Rachel B
Lakeland Parent

Erika was so great with both our baby and our little girl! We loved her!

Loke B
Lakeland Parent

She was awesome and so easy to get along with!

Kathryn T
Lakeland Parent

Favorite ❤️

Kathryn T
Lakeland Parent


Kathryn T
Lakeland Parent

The best!

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Wyndy has changed my life in such a positive way. I know that I can have time for myself and know that my kids are in great hands. - Destine