Morgan M
Atlanta Parent

Has your experience in hiring Oglethorpe University babysitters been positive?

Write about your personal experience with hiring babysitters near Oglethorpe as a parent. Discuss their dependability, ability to communicate effectively, honesty, and any memorable situations or difficulties encountered.

4 Responses by Atlanta Moms & Dads

Sheila G
Atlanta Parent

Alina was on time, did everything we asked and the kids connected with her and enjoyed having her!

Greg K
Atlanta Parent

She was 20min late (due to traffic) and went to the wrong house, but she was great outside of that! We'd book her again.

Amy W
Atlanta Parent

Helped clean and that was awesome!

Jenny H
Atlanta Parent

Caroline was great! She arrived on time and my kids had a wonderful time with her.

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Wyndy has changed my life in such a positive way. I know that I can have time for myself and know that my kids are in great hands. - Destine