Cassandra P
New Haven Parent

Have you had any experience hiring New Haven babysitters?

Provide a comprehensive description of employing caregivers in New Haven from a parental perspective. This should encompass aspects such as the dependability of hired individuals, their ability to effectively communicate, their integrity, as well as any exceptional occurrences or obstacles faced during the process.

1 Response by New Haven Moms & Dads

Terina M
New Haven Parent

My kids absolutely Loved Beverly! They did not want her to leave and keep asking when she can come back! They have declared her the Best Babysitter Ever and said she played with them and was super sweet!

Kaitlyn W
New Haven Parent

Beverly was great! I had input the wrong time in the app (AM instead of PM), and she was super understanding and flexible!!

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Wyndy has changed my life in such a positive way. I know that I can have time for myself and know that my kids are in great hands. - Destine