Julia B
Macon Parent

How would you describe your experience with hiring Mercer University babysitters?

Please provide an in-depth description of your personal experience with hiring caregivers in the vicinity of Mercer, from the perspective of a parent within the Mercer community. Your response should focus on criteria such as dependability, effective communication, credibility, and any exceptional occurrences or obstacles faced.

2 Responses by Macon Moms & Dads

Maydee S
Macon Parent

She was amazing! My son loved her and she was very flexible with her schedule. She was kind, gentle and help me so much!

Andrew B
Macon Parent

Eliza was so sweet with our 1 year old! Great communication, on-time, and very nice! Would recommend.

Maydee S
Macon Parent

She is amazing with my son. I would recommend her anytime.

Shelby F
Macon Parent

Very friendly and great with the kids

Ellen E
Macon Parent

Mature, responsible, experienced

Jenna S
Macon Parent

House was all picked up!!!

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Wyndy has changed my life in such a positive way. I know that I can have time for myself and know that my kids are in great hands. - Destine