Evelyn J
Harrogate Parent

Have you had any experiences hiring Lincoln Memorial University babysitters?

Discuss your general experience with hiring babysitters near LMU from the perspective of a LMU parent. Provide information about dependability, interaction, credibility, and any remarkable situations or obstacles faced.

3 Responses by Harrogate Moms & Dads

Kristin S
Harrogate Parent

Kind, delightful, and excellent with my 4 year old son. Finn had a fabulous day with Mandy and we look forward to her sitting with us again.

Caitlin M
Harrogate Parent

Mandy communicated appropriately, asked great questions, and interacted well with my daughter. I would recommend Mandy!

Jennifer A
Harrogate Parent

Peyton was great - my girls loved spending time with her.

Kelsey H
Harrogate Parent

I loved how she talked to my babies 😊 she was so nice

Stephen G
Harrogate Parent

Maddie was so wonderful! She was extremely accommodating and very good with the kids. They are already asking me when they can see her again!

Angela C
Harrogate Parent

Maddie was so energetic and ready to help!

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Wyndy has changed my life in such a positive way. I know that I can have time for myself and know that my kids are in great hands. - Destine