Riley K
Baton Rouge Parent

Have you had any experience with hiring Baton Rouge babysitters?

Discuss your personal experience of employing child caregivers in Baton Rouge as a parent residing in the area. Cover aspects such as dependability, effective communication, credibility, and any remarkable incidents or difficulties encountered.

10 Responses by Baton Rouge Moms & Dads

Indra C
Baton Rouge Parent

Nia was fantastic. She made a big effort in making sure she could complete the job during Mardi Gras and getting to our house early. She was personable, outgoing, lovely to talk to, and very intelligent. Would absolutely recommend her to anyone!

Dianna W
Baton Rouge Parent

Nia was great with my two kids, ages 2 and 4! She was very attentive and they loved playing with her.

Erin K
Baton Rouge Parent

Nia was super knowledgeable about childcare and great with our kids!

Rachel F
Baton Rouge Parent

Nia was awesome! Fun, attentive and very interactive with the kids.

Julie L
Baton Rouge Parent

Nia is awesome! So sweet and my baby loved her.

Alissa W
Baton Rouge Parent

Jazz was awesome! My daughter loved her immediately and they got along great! Will definitely be requesting her again!

Samuel C
Baton Rouge Parent

Jazz did a great job! Patient and attentive.

Hillary C
Baton Rouge Parent

Jazz seemed lovely but a concerning report from my daughter that she slept the “entire” time she was babysitting them. I would have thought it was just a 9 year old complaining but she was very asleep when we arrived home (at 10pm so not a late night) and was so asleep I had to physically shake her to wake her up 😬. Wish she had been more attentive.

Sunny D
Baton Rouge Parent

Isabella was wonderful! Friendly, punctual and the kids loved her. Thanks so much!

Kristin L
Baton Rouge Parent

Very nice, on time, great at communicating with me. My daughter had fun with her!

Hallet G
Baton Rouge Parent

Olivia was so sweet and great with my little ones!

Eleanor H
Baton Rouge Parent

Great with little kids!

Keenan H
Baton Rouge Parent

Elise was super sweet and mature. She communicated easily with both the adults and the children. We would 100% use her again.

Susannah H
Baton Rouge Parent

Elise was wonderful! We love her!

Meagan H
Baton Rouge Parent

Kelsey is awesome! She always does a great job

Louise E
Baton Rouge Parent

Great sitter!

Amanda L
Baton Rouge Parent

Kids had a blast!

Liz S
Baton Rouge Parent

Ashley was communicative, punctual, and sweet with our boy. He enjoyed his time with her.

Jackie C
Baton Rouge Parent

My girls loved her!

Robyn S
Baton Rouge Parent

Great communicator! She was great!

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Wyndy has changed my life in such a positive way. I know that I can have time for myself and know that my kids are in great hands. - Destine