Thomasina O – Rowan Student Seeking Babysitting Jobs

Thomasina O.

Franklinville, NJ

Enrolled at Rowan University

Response Rate: Excellent
Response Time: Fast


# of years Thomasina has worked as a Babysitter / Nanny:


# of Babysitting / Nanny Jobs Thomasina has completed:


# of 5 star ratings that Thomasina has received:



# of years Thomasina has worked as a Babysitter / Nanny:


# of Babysitting / Nanny Jobs Thomasina has completed:


# of 5 star ratings that Thomasina has received:


About Thomasina

Hi! My name is Thomasina- I’m 23 years old and a full time pre-med/psych student at Rowan University. Being the oldest grandchild out of 8, I have quite a bit of experience with taking care of children of all ages. I have a 7 year old brother, who I absolutely adore. Having severe autism, he requires extra attention. In his young life, he has taught me so much about having patience, compassion, and an understanding for children regarding their physical and emotional needs. As a mental health advocate and aspiring psychiatrist, it’s my goal to be perceived as a safe-space. I’m a firm believer in the cognitive behavioral approach: what we are told about ourselves shapes our thoughts and feelings about who we are, which ultimately determines how we behave. This ALL stems from childhood— there is such great importance in how we speak to and interact with children. As for my hobbies— I’m a musician! I sing, play guitar, piano and ukulele, and I absolutely love to perform and teach. When I’m at home, I’m either making music, studying, or snuggling my fur-babies! Thank you for taking the time to read a little bit about me! If you have any questions or concerns that you’d like to address, please do not hesitate to contact me! I’d be more than happy to converse.

Additional Skills & Experience
  • Able to drive own car
  • Able to drive parent’s car
  • Comfortable with pets
  • Willing to stay overnight
  • Infants (0 - 12 months)
  • Toddlers (1 - 3 years)
  • Early Childhood (4 - 8 years)
  • Late Childhood (9+ years)

About Thomasina’s Specialized Care




Developmental Challenges

Physical Impairment

Visual Impairment

Education & Extracurriculars


Rowan University


Class of 2024

High School


Franklinville, New Jersey

Greek Affiliation


Off-Campus Activity


On-Campus Activity
